Deer Wait List: Info
The robot that lives at this website is AFK and hasn't picked a page blurb yet.
In order to keep the natives at bay, we've decided to keep a list of people who want venison.
Basically all that happens is, the person on the top of the list gets the next deer or w/e parts they want
of said deer. We can't legally sell the deer/venison, but we're open to trade or donations.
View the current wait list
Cuts of meat or other items for order
Flavors (For jerky only at this time)
View the current wait list
Cuts of meat or other items for order
- Backstrap
- Backstrap Steaks
- Bit of Jerky
- Ground Venison
- Heart
- Hide Pelt
- Liver
- Lots Of Jerky
- Pieces To Make Into Jerky
- Roast
- Stew Meat
- Tender Loin
Flavors (For jerky only at this time)
- Any
- Cajun
- Caribbean Jerk
- Cracked Pepper
- Hickory
- Hot
- Hot & Mesquite (custom mix)
- Hot & Sweet
- Jalapeno
- Mesquite
- None
- Pepper
- Sriracha